TURN PAGES - how does it work?
WEBSITE - how does it work?
FRONT COVER - how does it work?
EMAIL - how does it work?
ZOOM - how does it work?
PRINT - how does it work?
SEARCH - how does it work?
TABLE OF CONTENT - how does it work?
THUMBNAILS - how does it work?
DOWNLOAD PDF - how does it work?
FULL SCREEN - how does it work?
SHARE - how does it work?
What version of flash player is needed to view the digital publication?
What type of internet connection is needed to view these digital publications?
TURN PAGES - how does it work?
Click on the arrow buttons to turn pages
or click on the corners of any pages.
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FRONT COVER - how does it work?
Click this button to flip from any page
back to the front cover.
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ZOOM - how does it work?
Click once anywhere to zoom in and
once again to zoom out.
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SEARCH - how does it work?
To search, type your keywords in the search
box and then click on the search button.
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THUMBNAILS - how does it work?
Click the pages icon to display all pages in
the publication as thumbnail images.
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FULL SCREEN - how does it work?
Click this button to maximize the view of
the digitial publication. Press the ESC key
to return back to normal viewing.
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WEBSITE - how does it work?
Click this button to visit the publisher's
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EMAIL - how does it work?
Email your friends and contacts the link to
the digital publication.
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PRINT - how does it work?
Use this feature to print some or all pages
of the digital publication.
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TABLE OF CONTENT - how does it work?
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DOWNLOAD PDF - how does it work?
Click this button to download the digital
publication in PDF format.
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SHARE - how does it work?
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What version of flash player is needed to view the digital publication?
Flash player 7 is needed to run the PageFlip Publication. If you do not have this plug-in, then click here
to install.
What type of internet connection is needed to view these digital publications?
Although a DSL/Broadband connection is recommended, it is possible to view the digital publication with a
dial-up connection. Please note that viewing speeds will be much slower with a dial-up connection.
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